

Visa non-O

泰国非移民签证 O 型,也称为非移民“其他”签证,是泰国政府为希望出于就业以外的各种目的留在泰国的个人颁发的签证类别


Visa non-B

非 B 或非移民签证商务签证适用于出于与在泰国开展业务相关的目的而希望进入泰国的个人。该签证允许持有人从事商业活动。


Visa non-ED

泰国非移民 ED 签证,通常称为教育签证,是泰国政府为希望在泰国从事教育活动的个人颁发的一种签证。


Surepath泰国签证,我们是泰国签证代理,提供完整的签证服务。包括签证续签 解决签证失败问题 “沟通专业精神 来找我们,一定能拿到签证。

感言 | testimonial

Great Support Team

I can’t thank the visa service in Bangkok enough for their exceptional assistance. From start to finish, they guided me through the entire visa application process with utmost professionalism and efficiency. Highly recommended!

Joseph L.Mabie


Very Powerful

Efficient, reliable, and hassle-free! The visa service in Bangkok exceeded my expectations. They took care of everything, allowing me to focus on my travel plans without any worries. Thank you for the outstanding service!

Debra Campbell

Web Developer

Highly Recommended

I was impressed by the prompt and courteous service provided by the visa agency in Bangkok. They went above and beyond to ensure that my visa application was processed smoothly. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”

Joanne Ellis


Excellent Service

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